24 SEPTEMBER 1881, page 14


LORD BRAYE'S POEMS.* Ma. PALEY has done, we think, an ill-service to his friend. Lord Braye had published two or three volumes of verse, which attracted as much notice and......


DECEMBER AND JUNE. Jr was but the wild waves playing, It was but the wild wind's roar ; It was but a pale maid straying Alone by the wreck-strewn shore. It was but a day of......

A Psychological Question.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] you kindly allow a working-man to ask the follow- ing question ? Last week, I dreamt that a book was handed to me. Inside this book I found a......

The Ritualists And The Law.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—As you have made no editorial comment on the letter signed "R. T. D." in your last issue, perhaps you will allow another of your readers......