The Russian Government has evidently relaxed its control over the
journals in regard to the war, and desires to let the truth be fully known. The Daily News' correspondent telegraphs that the Chief of the Staff has sent his very frank account of the battle of Plevna to all subordinates, with orders to receive it ad interim as the official narrative. The Golos, moreover, the popular paper of St. Petersburg, is permitted to publish a yet franker statement, in which the immense blunder committed in the attack is directly attributed to the Commander-in-Chief, though his name is carefully avoided. In this account, moreover, the losses are set down at 10,000 men ; it is stated that the Turks, irregulars and all, broke through the Russian line ; and it is admitted that if the Turks had improved their advantage, nothing could have saved the attacking corps. Considering the jealous reticence of the Russian Government, this outspokenness is note- worthy. It signifies that the highest authorities are in the Turkish war sure of the people, and as in the case of the Polish insurrec- tion, will take them into their confidence.