25 AUGUST 1877, page 20
Current Literature.
Kilcorran. By the Hon. Mrs. Fetherstenhaugh. 2 vols. (Bentley.) —The author of "Bound to Win " must look to it, if he does not wish to be beaten by a lady in his favourite......
Poems, 1111m07'0213 And Pathetic. By Thomas Hood The...
a Memoir by his Sister, Frances F. Broderib. (Chatto and Windus.) —The "Memoir" is a simple and affectionate record, which it is no small pleas ire to read. Naturally it gives......
Lady Silverdale's Sweetheart.*
Tun s work is a typical example of a practice that has grown into great favour with authors of late years, and for which the om- nivorous hunger of the readers of fiction is......