The Population Of Antwerp Has Been Celebrating The...
Rubens's birth with three days of high-jinks, more or less artisti- cally arranged. The only failure was in the processions, which seem, with their allegorical cars, to have......
Two Satellites To Mars Have Been Discovered By Professor...
Hall, of the Naval Observatory of Washington. Of course, savants will be peculiarly interested in and delighted by this discovery. They have hitherto until recently supposed......
Captain Webb's Feat Has Been Repeated. Between Tuesday...
morning Mr. Frederick Cavill swam in twelve hours and forty-five minutes from the Calais side of Cape Grisnez to within twenty-five yards of the Dover coast. Both wind and tide......
Excursionists From Manchester And Other Places In...
visiting Hawarden Castle. Mr. Gladstone did not cut down a tree for them, but he has of course been compelled to talk to them. He took occasion to tell his visitors from Man-......
Mr. Lowe Has, Of Course, The Better In Argument Of
Mr. Ruskin, in a letter which the latter prints in his Fors Clavigera. Mr. Ruskin has been abusing, in his grand, random way, a poor infatuated lady who " dresses herself and......
The Khedive Has Signed A New Convention With The British
'Government, under which he pledges himself once more to abolish the slave-trade ; and Colonel Gordon, in his recent letters, believes him to be sincere. Nevertheless he fears......
Colonel Henderson, In His Report On The Metropolitan...
attention to a very grave fact. Assaults on the police are decidedly on the increase. Putting aside merely trivial assaults, he tells us that no fewer than two thousand nine......
The Bishop Of London, Replying To Some Communicants Who...
that a lay tribunal has suppressed the ritual they approve, and who threaten, therefore, to favour disestablishment, complains that while Judges are never attacked for their......