Stu, — The preamble of the Amended Public libraries Act just passed says :—" It has been found that in many eases a public meeting is a most incorrect and unsatisfactory mode, and fails to indicate the general opinion of the ratepayers, and it is desirable to ascertain these opinions more correctly." And the Act provides a remedy for this " unsatisfactory mode," Now the Borough Funds Act compels all Municipal Corporations to adopt this condemned mode before making any improvements for the benefit of the ratepayers, and in at least two large boroughs the ratepayers have suffered severely, through the obstinacy or peevishness of two or three ill-natured and interested persons who have opposed schemes intended for the benefit of all. Yet the present Government have refused, or rather have not taken any steps to repeal, an Act whose provisions are condemned by one of their own measures ! Is not this logical and consistent ?—