A correspondent of the Times, writing from Athens, states that
the whole Greek people is becoming eager for war with Turkey. In Beeotia, the Thebans have raised a " Sacred Band," 1;000 strong, of men who intend to devote themselves to the deliver- ance of their countrymen from Turkish bondage. They are fine, large-built fellows, well armed, full of enthusiasm, and many of them trained to guerilla war in the Cretan insurrection. They firmly believe theinselves to be the descendants of the original Thebans—which is probably the fact—and are full to repletion of the memories of their history. They will probably fight enlendidlv. but unfortunately in these days shells are more dice-
tive than brave men, and Greece has scarcely the ability to pro- vide her volunteers with a regular nucleus. Three swift ironclads to protect a simultaneous rising in all the Greek islands, and destroy all transports despatched to put it down, would be a more effective diversion than the Greek army. The Greeks are, how- ever, rapidly emerging from the panic caused by Lord Derby's menaces.