We publish elsewhere some comments upon the new " plank
" which the Republicans of Ohio, in order to attract the workmen, have introduced into their "platform." Their candidate for the Governorship of the State, Judge W. H. West, has, moreover, in a series of speeches, expressed his sympathy with the strikers, and even gone beyond them. He would, he says, not only have Congress fix a minimum of wages, and appoint State Arbitrators to settle dis- putes, but compel the shareholders, in addition to wages, to grant to their employes a per- centage upon profits, thus virtually limit- ing the power of dismissal. It is said that the Administration are greatly annoyed at this proposition, but it is entirely approved by the workmen, who are forming leagues all over the country to secure "statutory arbitration." There is a great effort made to describe this movement as unimportant, and no doubt America is governed in the last resort by freeholders ; but if we may judge from the tone of the capitalist newspapers, more confidence is professed than is felt. There is evidently much apprehension that the workmen may be powerful at the polls, and President Hayes intends to make the labour crisis the subject of his next Message.