25 AUGUST 1888, Page 1


GENERAL BOULANGER was on Sunday elected for all the three departments for which he was a candidate. In the Nord, his majority was a good deal diminished as com- pared with the majority which he obtained at the last election, for he polled only 130,000 votes, as against 172,000 last April. But in the Somme and the Charente Inferieure, General Boulanger scored great successes. In the former he polled 76,000 votes, against 41,000 for the Republican ; and in the Charente Inferieure he had 57,000 votes, against 42,000 for the Republican. In both these elections the Republican vote had fallen greatly. Of course, General Boulanger is much elated by his victory, and believes that France has declared not only for Revision and Dissolution, but virtually for a Presidential Government as against a Parliamentary Government. We have pointed out elsewhere the difficulty of interpreting the mind of France. But if General Boulanger really puts up his name in every department a year hence, we shall have a fair measure of his popularity with the people of France. In any case, we fear that his popularity is more of an accident than a growth. The people are tired of the Republic as it is, and are in search of a popular man, even if they had to find him by lot.