Mr. Gladstone Made A Speech On Spade Husbandry, The...
of fruit, and poultry-keeping, at the Havrarden. Flower-Show on Thursday. He showed that poultry might be easily made to pay a net profit of id. a week per fowl, which he......
Mr. Henry Richard, M.p. For Merthyr Tydvil, And Repre-...
not only Welsh Nonconformity, but the principles of the Peace Society, died suddenly on Monday, at the age of seventy-six. He was, with the possible exception of Mr. Dillwyn,......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.
New Consols (2!) were on Friday 99} to 99i.......
On Friday, August 17th, The Strike Of The Paris Navvies
came to an end, after lasting twenty-five days, the funds at the disposal of the men being exhausted. M. Boule, who pre- sided over the Strike Committee, after informing the men......
The Times Of Monday Publishes An Interesting Despatch...
Robert Morier in regard to our commercial relations with Siberia. It has been known for some years that it was possible for a ship during the summer months to pass through the......
The Frill Accounts Of The Collision Between The Steamers '
Geiser ' and "Thingvalla,' off the Nova Scotia coast, which reached London on Saturday last, show that the 'Geiser' —the ship which sank—lost 79 of her passengers and 26 of her......
A Story From The Japan Weekly Mail Has Been Going
the round of the papers which shows, if true, that "Treasure Island" contains not a word that is impossible ; and if untrue, that a very remarkable rival to Mr. Louis Steven-......
• The International Congress On Inland Navigation, Which...
now in session at Frankfort-on-the-Main, may well feel that to it belongs the future of European engineering. If an admirer of the great exploits of railway construction points......