Mr. Gladstone made a speech on spade husbandry, the cultivation
of fruit, and poultry-keeping, at the Havrarden. Flower-Show on Thursday. He showed that poultry might be easily made to pay a net profit of id. a week per fowl, which he thought a very fair profit in bad times, and that even poor land, if thoroughly cultivated with the spade, might be made to yield exceedingly good crops of fruit, strawberries, raspberries, &c., and that to an extent which would even enable the culti- vators to purchase their small farms out of the profits they had made. This ought to be very encouraging to Mr. Jesse Collings, who writes an interesting letter in Friday's Times to show how the last Liberal Administration neglected the subject of small holdings, though they turned out their pre- decessors by carrying the resolution on the subject which Mr. Jesse Collings had supported.