Puritanism In Connecticut.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIB, — In your excellent article deprecating the attack upon the reredos in St. Paul ' s, you incidentally refer to the Puritans as having......
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " STECTATOR.1 you allow me space to reply to your remarks relative to my letter in the Times upon the subject of "The Cultivation of Barren Waters " ? In......
Mr. Gladstone And Free-trade. [to Thz Editor Of The...
Sia,—The Spectator of August 18th, in an editorial reply to a letter from Mr. Dunn, puts forward the name of Mr. Gladstone as that of a typical Free-trader. Then, I would ask,......
Letters To The Editor.
FUTURE OF AUSTRALIA. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." j have read with much interest the two letters that have appeared in your issues of August 4th and 18th respectively,......
The Scandinavian Churches.
[To THE EDITOR OF SHE "SPECTATOR."] Sra, — The writer of the excellent article upon " The Lambeth Conference on the Reunion of Christendom " seems to regard the case of the......
Peterborough Cathedral.
[To ran Enxroxt, or THE " Serzrerozr-".1 Sin,—Before the work of restoration at Peterborough comes ultimately to an end, is it not possible to put in one plea for the......
Sir W. V. Harcourt As Liberal Leader. (to The Editor
OF THE " SPECTATOR." J SIR, — I welcomed your thoughtful article, in the Spectator of , August 11th, on the politics of Sir W. V. Harcourt. You may like to know that the late......