ScsooL - BooKe. — A Heuristic Arithmetic. By Clifford Gran- ville, B.A., and C.
E. Rice, M.A. (Horace Marshall and Son. 2s. 6d.)—" While a teacher," • say the authors of this book, "may be left free to choose and develop his own methods, he needs to have suggested or laid down for him the order of development of his subject." The reason is that, to quote again, "there is in all probability for every subject a best order." This is what they undertake to give, the discovery being made by a sympathetic observation of the learner's diffi- culties.—Algebra for Beginners, with Answers. By William Dodds. (Mnrby and Co. is. 6d.)—Mr. R. F. Wilton Hall pub- lishes a useful "Reader," Our English Towns and Villages (Blackio and Son, is. 6d.)—We have also received Elementary Chemistry : Progressive Lessons in Experiment and Theory, by F. J. Wilson, M.A., and G. W. Healey, M.A., Part II. (The Clarendon Press, 5s.)