Musi C.
MUSICAL CULTURE AT PUBLIC SCHOOLS. A FEW weeks ago we dealt with the estimate—in the main hostile—of the influence of "University musicians" given by, Mr. Baughan in a recently......
A WALK WITH TENNYSON, 1855. (" The Federation of the World.") AM! and what is it, to tread on air, When the winds are silent, the night is fair, And the soulless moon wakes......
The "spectator" Experimental Company. [to The Eorron 07...
Sum,—In my last letter I merely stated the results of our inspections in signalling and gymnastics ; now, with your permission, I propose to give fuller particulars, and to......
Repor.t On Signalling.—" I Ssw The Men Of The Spectator
Experimental Company reading and sending Morse code (on small flag only) and Semaphore. It was impossible to examine them on any standard of examination, as the men had only......
The "spectator" Experimental Company. We Have Received...
subscriptions towards meeting additional and unforeseen expenses connected with the Spectator Experimental Company :— 22 2 0......
Report On Gymnastics.—" The Exercises Set Were The Usual...
exercises for recruits at the termination of their course of gymnastics, and were most creditably performed by the Company. The average number of marks obtained was extremely......