The Climate Of Lisbon, Mont' Estoril, And Cintra. • By
Dr. D. G. Dalgarno. (H. K. Lewis. 2s. 6d.)—Dr. Dalgarno defends the climate of Lisbon against attacks which have been made upon it, and if it is indeed true that "east winds are......
Scsool - Booke. — A Heuristic Arithmetic. By Clifford...
E. Rice, M.A. (Horace Marshall and Son. 2s. 6d.)—" While a teacher," • say the authors of this book, "may be left free to choose and develop his own methods, he needs to have......
Paton's List Of Schools. . (j. And J. Paton. Is.
6d.)—This list does not profess to be exhaustive. It is a list of the schools which advertise in it. Parents may very probably find in it "an aid in the selection of schools,"......
To The Large And Increasing Library Of Books Which Are
intended to help the amateur horticulturist we have to add Roses and .171eir to Grow them (W. Heinemann, 2s. 6d. net), and Ferns and How to Grow them, by G. A. Woolson (same......