25 DECEMBER 1841, Page 17


. Tuesday, Dec. 21.


Nunn and Hall, CaMberwell, tar-refiners -Haslam aud Taylor, Rnwtenstall, Lan- cashire, woollen-manufacturers-Bowls= and Batigan, Shelton, Staffordshire, enc. tioneers-R. and T. Collard, Sandwich. builders-Vick and Jones, New Street, Bo- ...melt Road, japanners-R. and J. Sharpies, Dick Bridge. Lancashire, cotton-spin- MIS -Twycross and Nukes, Red Lion Coal Wharf. City, coal-merchauts-Duggan and C '. White Lion Street, Norton Falgate, brewers; as fir as regards Duggan -Sheppard And Hulbert, Corsham, Wiltshire, brewers -Wolstanhohne and Vickers, Blackburn.

• cabinet-makers-Savill and Co. Colchester, distillers-Godfrey and Meares, Bread S'reet, Manchester-warehousemen.


ts?ATTON, JOSEPH. Newbold, Derbyshire. brickmaker. t Ilocrtawn. THOMAS. Manchester. manufacturer of woollen-cloths. RIPPING, Ilerray, Maidstone, broker.


MOOS. Maar Roma, Brewer Street. Golden Square. carpenter, to surrender Dec. 20 Feb. 1 ; solicitors. Messrs. J. and C. Rogers. Manchester Buildings, Westminster; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms 'Yard. DROWN, JAMES. Newcastle-upou-Tyne, cooper, Jau. 17, Feb. 1: solicitors, Messrs. Bettye and Co. Chancery Lane; and M. and J. L. Foster. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. DENVER, JOHN, High Street, Southwark, tailor, Dec. 30. Feb. I.: solicitor, Mr. Cat- lin. Ely Place; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Basinghall Street. EixtELL, RICHARD, Rownham Ferry, Somersetshire, innkeeper, Jan. 4, Feb. 1: soli- citors. Mr. Short, Bristol; Mr. Hall. Bristol; and Messrs. Clarke and Medealfe, Lin- coln's Inn Fields. GREEN, GEMIGE, Manchester, engineer. Jan. 5, Feb. 1 : solicitors, Messrs. Vincent and Sherwood, Temple; and Mr. Todd, Manchester. GREENLESS, JAMES. Friday Street, shawl-warehouseman, Dec. 31. Feb. 1 : solicitor, Mr. Borrodaile. King's Arms Yard; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermaubury. HARRisoN, STEPHEN WINN, Bristol, builder, Dec. 31, Feb. 1: solicitors, Messrs. Weymouth and Green. Cateatou Street; and Mr. Habertield, Bristol. LEE TOTTENHAM, Wakefield. worsted-yarn-manufacturer, Jan. 5, Feb. 1 : solicitors, Messrs, Rowley and Taylor, Manaester; and Mr. Sharp, Staple Inn. LINES, Artousvos, Paddington, tay-salesman, Dec. 31. Feb. 1: official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basinghall Street; solicitor, Mr. Gresham, Castle Street, Holborn. 1`. , •HOLsoN, WILLIAM, Leeds. banker, Jan. 8. Feb. 1 • solicitors, Messrs. Emmet and a, B1 stmsbury Square; and Mr. Creswell. Manchester. tir s sir, TuostAs, Fore Street, Cripplegate. wide-mercLant. Dec. 29, Feb.1 : official ,.. 1.4;',i 3, Mr. Lackington, Coleman Street; solicitor. Mr. Bartlett. Beak Street. Regeut •••••■ Yrwmes. WILLIAM, Old Broad Street. bill-broker. Jan. 8, Feb. 1 : officialassiguee, Mr. Groom, Abchureh Lane; solicitor, Mr. Todd. Tliavies' too.


Jan. 13, Driver. Peckham, merchant-Jan. 13. Latham, Devonshire Square, mer • chant -Jan. 11, H. and A. Wood, Basinghall Street, Blackwell-hall factors-Jan. 11. Peden, Oxford Street, coach-maker-Jun.11, Fellmau. Fore Street, Limehouse, brewer -Jan. II, Taylor, Royston, innkeeper-Jan. II, Trappe, Abridge. Essex, victualler- Jan. 11, Weston, Gracechurclt Street, merchant-Jan. 11, Haslam, Epping, draper- Jan. 13, Oxen. Efailuchaf, Carnarvonshire. maltster -Jan. 21, Birks and Grundy, Bury, manufacturers of oil of vitriol-Jau. 12, Shipman, Dudley, innkeeper-Jan. 14, Hawkes and Johnson, Coventry, ribbon-manufacturers-Jan. 12, Tate, Liverpool, tea- deeler-Jan. 13, Hobbs, Newland Northampton, plumber-Jau. 13. Allies, Alfrick, Wore!stershire, coal merchant -Jan.19. Kirby. Birmingham, railway-contractor-Jan. i.2,Itelaud, Birmingham. factor-Jan. 12, Bartlett, Sheldon Mallet, grocer-Jan. 10, -Nelson, Liverpool, millwright.


Tube granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or before Jan. 11. Kieg, Southampton, bookseller-Dix junior, Great Dover Street, builder-Rant, Birm. : :Lam, victualler-Stubbs. Caistor, Lincolnshire, linendraper-Potter and Co. M 5.1chester, cotton-spiuners.


BENNETT. GEORGE. Aberdeen, wine-merchant. Dec. 27, Jan. 28. ELDER. DAVID junior. Dundee, grocer. Dec. 24. Jan. 14. FRASER, WILLIAM. Broxburu. Liuljthgowshire, coach proprietor, Dec. 30, Jan. 27. DAME and Co. Glasgow, calico-printers. Dec. 27, Jan. 17. MoNTEATH, ROBERT, TilliCOUltly, manufacturer, Dec. 24. Jan. 17. Sistesox, JAMES GILLON, Eduiburgh, draper, Dec. 27, Jan. 24.

Friday, Dec. 24. PARTNERSHIPS mssoLvEn. R. and E. Colton, King,ston.upon-Hull, whip-manufacturers-Tipper and Phipps, Pancras Lane. paper- makers-rt right aud Hopkins, Brinksway, Cheshire, bleachers- IL R. and M. IN cock. Frame Selwood, school mistresses - Ceeuev and Gilbert, Maccles- field Street South, smiths-Pm-Moo and Buchanan, Liverpotil, timber-merchants- Higginbottom and Eddison, Nottingham, surgeons-Bartlett jun., and French, Egg Buckland, millers-Watson and Booth. Wath-upon-Deanne, common-brewers-Her- .court and Co. Birmingham, brass-founders; as far as regards D. and T. Harcourt- I. and G. Rigby, Liverpool, cart-owners-Jackson and Malley. Lancaster, coach-build- ers-G. and R. Parke. Whitby. woollendrapers-Harper and Co. York, soap-manufac- tuiera-Slinn and Young. Northedge, stoue-merchants-A. and R. Hall, Blackburn, grocers-Wood and Ashby, Barden, Kent. millers-W. and F. Shaw. Derby. millers - .rerkina and Henry, Gray's Inn Road, jewellers- Roe and Petty, Cowling, millers- Bothwell and Holeroft, Manchester, silk-throwsters-Manley and Stone, Paternoster !low, einiats-Smith and Holland, Manchester, plumbers.


DARNESLEY. THOMAS, Tipton. Staffordshire, engine-maker, to surrender Dec. 31, Feb. 4: solicitors, Messrs. Miller aud Follows. Piccadilly; and Mr. Hill, Birmingham. Bristiosx, THOMAS, Spalding. grocer, Dec. 31, Feb. 4: solicitors, Messrs. Tooke and Son. Bedford Row; and Mr. Edwards, Spalding. DERSIGAN, THOMAS, Peckham Grove, builder, Jan. 5, Feb. 4: solicitors. Messrs. Tilleent and Son, Old Jewry; official assignee, Mr. Johnson. Basinghall Street. CLARK, HENRY, Fleet Street. brush-mauutacturer, Jan. 8, Feb. 4: solicitor. Mr. Weston, St. James's Square ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards. Frederick's Place. FORD, JAMES, Bristol, cooper, Jan. 7, Fab. 4: solicitors, Messrs. White and Eyre, Bedford Row; and Messrs. W. and C. Bevan, Bristol. FORD, JAMES, Bristol, cooper, Jan. 7, Fab. 4: solicitors, Messrs. White and Eyre, Bedford Row; and Messrs. W. and C. Bevan, Bristol. FORTIES. JOHN, Beeston, Nottinghamshire, grocer, Jan. 5. Feb. 4: solicitors, Messrs, Jones and Co. John Street, Bedford Row; and Mr. Brown, Nottingham. HORSNALL,WILLum. Dover, carpenter. Dec. 31, Feb. 4: solicitors, Messrs. Hawkins and Co. Old Boswell Court; and Mr. Kennett, Dover... PHILLIPS. Arm and JAMES, Whitechapel Road, window-glass cutters. Jan. 4, Feb. 4: solicitor. Mr. Henderson, Mansell Street, Goodman's Fields; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury. RICHARD, ROBERT and Co. Shadwell, rope-makers. Jan. 4, Feb. 4: solicitor, Mr. Pike, Old Burlington Street; official assignee, Mr Gibson, Basinghall Street. Rorie-mom, CHABLIS, Hulboru Hill, tat. ern-keeper. Jan. 11, Feb. 4: solicitor, Mr. Warltere, Castle Street, Holborn; official rubiguee, Mr. Edwards, Frederick's Place. WEST, F1LEDERICK 'Cilium, Commercial Road, Lambeth, coal.merchaut, Jan. i Feb.4; solicitors, Messrs. Stevens and Co. Queen Street, Cheapside; official assignee, Mr. Lackington, Coleman Street Buildings.


Jan. 14, Culls and Co. Lombard Street, bill-brokers-Jan. 14, Dix, Lainbeth Walk, victualler-Jan. 14, Spriugbett and Wraxall, Whitefriars. coal-merchauts-Jan. 15, Saunders and "Co. Basiughall Street, woollen-manufacturers-Jan. 15, Rowland, Horsham, linendraper -Jan. 15, Williams, Aldgate, linendraper -Jan. 14. J. and J. Richards, Morris's Walk, Bridge Street. Southwark. corn-measure-makers-Jan. 21, Sharp, Southampton. attorney-Jan. 19, Sterling junior, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, boot- maker-Jan. 19, Kirby, Birmingham, railway-contractor-Jan. 17, Price, Blackburn. machine-maker.


To be granfed,Imless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Jan. 14. Davies and Dickerson, Plymouth, merchants-Ingram, Beech Street, timber-mer- chant-Brown, Birmingham. ironmaster -Duncan, Oxford Terrace. Hyde Park, board- ing-house-keeper -Fearnley, Bradford, Yorkshire, woolstapler-Wright, Colebrook Dale, draper-Beutall, Cecil Street. coal-merchant-Hopkins, Croydon, grocer. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS. JORNSTONE, W[LI.IAM. Edinburgh, baker, Dec. 27. Jan. 17. MACNISH, DAVID Cain. Glasgow, merchant, Dec. 29, Jan. 19.