Topics Of The Day.
READJUSTMENT OF THE INCIDENCE OF TAXATION. As we anticipated, Mr. COBDEN'S reference to the Land-tax, in a speech which suggested some remarks we offered last week upon the......
Polytechnic Institution.
A NEW series of Dissolving Views of Turkey and Asia Minor has been added to the multifarious attractions of this amusing and instructive gallery of scientific marvels, for the......
In Addition To These Economical Reforms Before The...
arrangements behind it promise to be equally.adapted to produce effec- tive representations of sterling works both dramatic and operatic : in fact, the experience of Mr.......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. At Terrors, Ireland, the Countess MAOAWLET, of a daughter. Ou the 10th December, at Leamington. the Right Hon Lady EUBANK, of a daughter. On the 10th, at Ifutyrood Home,......