25 DECEMBER 1841, page 4


According to the Perthshire Advertiser, Sir William Rae is to be " provided for " with the Chairmanship de new Board of Customs at Leith and a salary of 1,500/. ; and Sir......

Zbe Vrobinces.

s. d. a. (1, s. d. 70 0 2 8 10 8 69 0 1 0 13 8 68 6 1 0 16 8 Mr. Christopher threw out a suggestion, with a view of eliciting in- formation ; for " there is no very simple or......


Tuesday being the day to which the Parliament was prorogued, the Lord Chancellor proceeded to the House of Lords shortly after three o'clock ; and the Commons having been......


Two formidable rivals to Mr. O'Connell have made their appearance, in the persons of the Countess de Grey and Lady Jemiina Elliot, who have determined to wear only Irish......