The opening of Drury Lane on Monday, under the management
of Mr. MACREADY, will give a new stimulus to theatricals, and a promise of intellectual entertainment of the best kind that the stage in its pre- sent state is capable of affording ; which may be enjoyed in comfort and without any of those disagreeables that have tended to deter families from visiting the theatre. The seats in the boxes are numbered; so that there will be no squabbling, and each person will retain possession of his place during the evening : the saloon and lobbies will no longer be infested with the old occupants, but appropriated to their proper use, for promenading and refreshment; the prices of refreshments will be fixed at a moderate scale by the management ; a stated charge of trifling amount will be substituted for the ad libitum gratuities to the persons taking care of bonnets, cloaks, and umbrellas; and the box-keepers, who are to wear a livery, will be forbidden to re- ceive fees for places.