• [To Tim EDITOR OE THE " SPECTATOR.") Snt,—All loyal
subjects will heartily approve of your splendid efforts to back up His Majesty's splendid example not to drink spirits or other intoxicating liquor if need be during the period of the war—except, of course, for medicinal purposes under the advice of a doctor. A friend of mine, who is like myself a mining engineer and not a teetotaler, told me at lunch the other day that during a hard trip which lie had only just returned from making to European and Asiatic Russia he had not once seen a Russian taking any spirituous liquor ; all were loyal to the Tsar. He himself had not from the day he left England until his return taken any spirits, and on his arrival again at Newcastle he thought he would have a drink, but found he could get nothing and had to wait for it until he arrived in London 1 If this can be done in Russia, surely it can be done in Great Britain. ---I am, Sir, &c., EDGAR P. RATHBONE, M.Inst. Min. and Met. Salisbury House, London Wall, E.C.