That, In Our Opinion, Is The Need Of The Hour.
We want supplied to us the missing key-piece of the puzzle—the piece which, when fitted in, will give form and substance to all our efforts, from the blockade in the North Sea......
We Record With The Utmost Satisfaction That Sir William...
has been appointed Chief of the Imperial Staff in place of Sir Archibald Murray, " who is about to receive an important command." We congratulate Sir W. Robertson, but still......
In A Long Debate Lasting All Night, Critical Speeches Were
made by Mr. Redmond and Sir Edward Carson. We prefer, however, to dwell upon the speech of Mr. Stanton, the victor of Merthyr. He expressed the belief that Lord Derby's scheme......
If That Is The Plan, We Can Only Say That,
in our opinion, it can only be justified if the announcement has coupled with it a statement to the effect that compulsory legislation will be introduced as soon as Parliament......
The Parliamentary Foundation Of Mr. Asquith's Speech Was...
for another million men. In the course of it he announced that in the various fields of war we had a fighting force of over a million and a quarter men. Our aim, ho declared,......
.and Here Comes In One Of The Paradoxei Of War.
Nothing would more certainly shorten the war than if we could convey to our enemies that the British nation have given up their old optimism about a short war and are now quite......
A Message From Petrograd Dated December 17th Announces...
which lies midway between Teheran and Baghdad, has been occupied by Russian forces. Hamadan and Kum (seventy miles south of Teheran) have been the centres of the Turkish and......
Though The Army In France Regret The Loss Of General
French (they would be ingrates if they did not), there is a general feeling that he could not have had a better successor than General Haig. He is a man of stern resolve—now......
On Tuesday In The Commons Mr. Asquith, Though An- Nouncing
that Lord Derby had not yet been able to supply him with the full figures, renewed his pledge to the married men, while at the same time appealing in very firm language to the......
Another Warning Which Should Be Addressed To Them Is That
the Government will not find it possible to grant as good terms to the compelled men and those dependent upon them as to the volunteers. To give only one reason, the volunteers......
We Guess, Though It Is Only A Guess, That Mr.
Asquith will not, however, at once have recourse to compulsion, but will express the opinion that a good many of the young men who have failed to offer themselves did so because......
The War News From The Western Front Is Meagre Except
for the record of artillery duels. The fact is that in the greater part of the line the ground is so waterlogged that neither side are in a position to move even if they......