25 DECEMBER 1915, page 13

Public Loans And Private Savings.

[TO. THE EDITOR Or TER " SPECTATOR.") Sm,—I read with great interest your article on "Public Loans and Private Savings," and trust that it may .result in directing real public......

The Will To Save. (to The Editor Op Tiir "

SPEOTATOR. ") Sm,—A great war like this illumines national faults. One of our worst is that wo do not know how, and do not care, to save money. But we should, perhaps, care more......

" As Others See Us."

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.") Ste,,—It was towards the end of morning school, and the Shake- speare lesson was dragging, at any rate, in one quarter. Our young friend, a......

America And The War.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEOTATOR.1 Snt,—On January 9th last you printed a letter of mine under the head of " America and the War." Since then tragedy has almost sounded the......