That, in our opinion, is the need of the hour.
We want supplied to us the missing key-piece of the puzzle—the piece which, when fitted in, will give form and substance to all our efforts, from the blockade in the North Sea to the Baghdad Expedition. Cohesion, concentration, combination—that is what we want in our war policy during the coming year. if any man can give it us, it will be Sir William Robertson. Need- less to say, miracles must not be expected of him, and, above all things, not miracles while you wait. If, however, he is snowed the fullest opportunities; and if the authorities really give him their confidence, he may prove of the greatest possible help. One thing must not be expected of him—smooth words and the willingness to try to evade difficulties rather than meet and overcome them. He is essentially a man who dares to look the facts full in the face. He is not one of those who instinctively turn their heads when there is trouble coming.