[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Our bravo soldiers at the front cannot themselves make an individual appeal to those at home. The Y.M.C.A. speaks in their name. Wherever a Y.M.C.A. but has been erected in France, the men have hailed its advent with the greatest delight. It has brought them just those home-like pleasures and comforts which on the testimony of officers have made them bettor soldiers. The but also provides accommodation for the chaplains connected with the Church of England, the Roman Catholic Church, and the Free Churches, whilst the opportunity for the worship common to the Jewish faith has been freely extended to the Jewish chaplain. - As friends at home aro making their preparations for the Christmas season, I venture to appeal to them to send the Y.M.C.A. a Christmas gift, so that we may be able to respond to the appeals from many parts of Franco, as well as at home, for further huts. One but costs £400 and may be named by the donors.—I am, Sir, &o.,