WE suggest that those who agree with the policy of " Down Glasses during the War should send us, not for publication, but only for registration and reference, their names and addresses. If nothing comes from such action, no harm will have been done. If it develops, we shall at any rate have a nucleus of helpers, and have begun to get in touch with those who are on our side. And here let us say that we do not ask for the names and addresses of lifelong holders of temperance and teetotal views, but only of those who, though they were neutral or anti-prohibi- tionist before the war, have, like the "Spectator," come to the conclusion, that we must fight the Germans with both hands, and not with' one hand grasping a glass of beer' or spirits. Those who send us their names and addresses for regis- tration will not be considered to be giving adherence to any policy in detail, but merely to the general principle of " Down Glasses during the War." We would most earnestly ask those who send in their names and addresses to communicate with us by means of postcards (they are far more easy to handle and to file), and to use as a model the formula : " I am in favour of the policy of Down Glasses during the W ar.' " They should add in plain writing their name and address. The postcard should be addressed " The Spectator, 1 Wellington Street, Strand, London, W.C." Those who take this step should ask their friends to do the same.