Sun Yat-sen, the founder of the present Cantonese regime, was
a Christian who may have been a Socialist, but whose ideals (which are on record) amounted to nothing more than the gradual creation of a Republican democracy. If General Feng should join up with the South there would be another Christian influence there —perhaps a more intolerant and " Dark Ages " kind of Christianity than we esteem, but still a better influence than that of some of the greedy and debased military leaders of the North. Matthew Arnold wrote of the East :— "The East bow'd low before the blast In patient deep disdain.
She let the legions thunder past And plunged in thought again."
But this time China will not return, we may be sure, to her old passivity. The nationalistic spirit which moves her now is something new in character and quality. We must make rational terms with her or write ourselves down as people who cannot understand.