News Of The Week
I T is a great pleasure to know that the British Govern- ment have taken the lead in proposing a realistic and modern policy in China. Mr. Miles Lampson, who is possessed of......
Sun Yat-sen, The Founder Of The Present Cantonese Regime,...
a Christian who may have been a Socialist, but whose ideals (which are on record) amounted to nothing more than the gradual creation of a Republican democracy. If General Feng......
We Have Described Elsewhere The Generous Manifesto On War...
which has been published by the Faculty of Political Science in Columbia University, but here we would point out that significant though it is it would be a mistake to suppose......
* * * * All This Implies That There Will
be no attempt by the Powers, even temporarily, to intervene in China, but lest there should be any misunderstanding on that point, the desire to intervene is expressly......
The Main Purpose Of The British Proposals Is Said To
be to meet the reasonable claims of-Chinese nationalism and to convince the whole of China that the Powers have no desire whatever to subject the country to foreign domination.......
Editorial And Piidlisiiing Offices : 13 York Street,...
London, W.C. 2. — A Subscription to the SPECTATOR costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SPECTATOR is registere d as a Newspaper. The......