We Are Particularly Glad To See That He Mentions The
possibility of " an agreed policy " in regard to trade union law. This is precisely what we have been suggesting for months. Many trade unionists want to be saved from the......
Medical Science Has .condemned So Many Forms Of...
food as harmful to health that the Minister of Health has done well to decide to prohibit these preservatives at the New Year. The Times says that a few manufacturers were so......
The Authorities Might Usefully Turn Their Attention To...
of pedestrians in other ways. There is now no method among people walking along the pavements. Nobody knows whether to keep to the right or to the left. The result is an......
Having Undoubtedly Speeded Up The Traffic In London By The
roundabout method, the authorities arc turning their attention to the regulation of foot passengers. An experiment has been begun in Parliament Square where five signposts bear......
Mr. Philip Snowden Has Great Independence Of Mind And It
is refreshing, after .the. unthinking way in which Socialists have for years condemned Trusts, Combines and Cartels out of hand, to read his considered opinions on the subject.......
The Result Of The By-election At Smethwick Has Not Been
announced when we write these words, as ow i n g to the fall of Christmas we go to press earlier than usual. The campaign was noticeable for ugly incidents and for exceptional......
In A Letter Of Good Wishes To Mr. Marshall Pike,
the Unionist candidate, Mr. Baldwin said that the Communists must be prevented from misusing the power of the trade unions for wicked ends. " We have no intention of destroying......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 4 ,per Cent.,
on December 8rd, 1925. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Tuesday 1001 ; on Wednesday week 100 ts ; a year ago 1001. Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Tuesday 1342 : on Wednesday......