Having undoubtedly speeded up the traffic in London by the
roundabout method, the authorities arc turning their attention to the regulation of foot passengers. An experiment has been begun in Parliament Square where five signposts bear the words " Please Cross Here." Appeals to the public to use the subways in preference to the streets have not, however, been for- gotten. Unquestionably the random movements of hundreds of thousands of pedestrians dodging in and out among the traffic tend to reduce the speed of London traffic as a whole. But the authorities are up against one of the most prized possessions of the Englishman —complete freedom of the road. He acts in the full knowledge that the law gives him as good a right to the use of the road as belongs to any driver of a vehicle. If he knows no other.law he knows that. So far people have not paid very much attention to the new signs, but the prescribed crossings will no doubt gradually come into regular use by those who really put " safety first," for the danger of the streets has been appreciably increased by the roundabout system and one-way streets. * * ** .