" LOST LONDON " • [To the Editor of the
Sin,—In an appreciative review of Lost London, in a recent issue of the Spectator, the remark is made : " A little may one wonder that Crowther's artistic eye did not light upon the exquisite cluster of old outside-staired houses still standing in Crooked Billet Yard hard by Shoreditch Church or on the Geffrye alms-houses (now a furniture museum) in Kingsland Road."
The reason is, no doubt, that the late Sir Charles Chadwyck- Healey instructed -Crowther to draw those buildings which were about to disappear by reason of " improvements " and the like. There was probably at the time no threat to the buildings in question.—We are, Sir, &c.,
10-12 Orange Street, London, W.C. 2.