25 DECEMBER 1926, Page 17


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

SIR,---We desire to make more widely known the- existing opportunities for children or students of either sex to visit a oreign country by way of exchange. Since the necessary out- lay is confined to travelling expenses and pocket-money, this method provides a unique opportunity- for young people to visit a foreign country at moderate cost, to make rapid strides in their knowledge of its language and literature, and to obtain an insight not easily gained otherwise into its institu- tions, outlook, and mode of life.

Such exchanges may be simultaneous or consecutive. The summer vacation is the usual time. They arc specially suitable for, but not limited to, those who have at a recent date taken the first school examination. In any case, in pairing families regard is paid to social position, religious belief, and other cir- cumstances, and the visitor is treated as the son or daughter of the family he or she visits. Exchanges on these lines have been very successfully effected with France for many years past ; they can now also be made with Germany and Austria, especially Vienna.

We shall be grateful for your help in making this scheme known, and will gladly give any further information.—I am,

Hon. Secretary, The Modern Language Association. 8 Cromwell Gardens, S.W. 7.