Eternity : Is it a Biblical Idea ± By James
Henderson Brown. (James Clarke and Co. 3s. 6d.) Eternity : Is it a Biblical Idea ± By James Henderson Brown. (James Clarke and Co. 3s. 6d.)
A great part of the discussion on " Eternity" is occupied by a list of the exact, meanings of the ifebrew and Greek terms
used in Scripture for " eternal " This, with literal renderings, Revised Version renderings and "suggested renderings," in parallel columns, will be found of some service. Mr. Brown's own views are in the direction of " the larger hope," in the sense of the gradual probation " from world to world," upward progress, and final destiny of all mankind in the Life of God. He does not think that the idea of eternity as " everlasting duration ". occurred to Biblical writers ; though the literal European mind could for long conceive of nothing else.