The Week's Special Broadcasts
Sunday, December 26th.-Bach's Christmas Oratorio (3.30 p.m.). Robert Loraine, reading an arrangement of " A Christmas Carol," by Charles Dickens (4.30 p.m.). Special Service of Carols and Christmas Hymns, relayed from Norwich Cathedral (8 p.m.).
Throughout the week.-Classical Pianoforte Recitals : Chopin, interpreted by Solomon (Monday, 9 p.m. ; Tuesday, 10.15 p.m. ; Wednesday, 7.25 p.m. ; Thursday, 10.15 p.m. ; Friday, 9.45 p.m. ; Saturday, 9 p.m.).
Monday, December 27th.-A talk by Captain F. Tymms, on Sir Samuel Hoare's Flight to India (7.10 p.m.). The Chamber Music Trio (Albert Sammons, violin ; Cedric Sharpe, violoncello ; William Murdoch, pianoforte) with Tom Goodey, tenor (10.15 p.m.).
Tuesday, December 28th.-" The Present and Past of British Woodlands "-A talk by Professor D. Webster (7.10 p.m.). Arabian Nights Programme (9.45 p.m.).
Wednesday, December 29th.-Symphony Concert by the Wireless Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Sir Landon Ronald (9 p.m.).
Thursday, December 30th.-" Is Anthropology Worth While ? -A talk by H. E. Torday (7.40 p.m.)--A Wessex Programme, broadcast from Bournemouth (8 p.m.).
Friday, December 31st.-The Bells of St. Botoiph's, Bishopsgate (11.56 p.m.-12.3 a.m.).