[ro THE EDITOR OP THE "SPFCrATOR."] SIR,—In your article on " Wholesale Conversion " in the Spectator of February 14th, you say there are "thousands of Unitarians within the English Establishment they are probably wrong morally, but their consciences are quiescent." I have sat at the feet of the Spectator for a quarter of a century and cannot bear this without protest. I and others who " fear God, and have no other fear," find we can best worship Him in the Church of our fathers. For ourselves we cling to it, not daring to lose the aid of its hallowed associations ; for others we hope that, in it, we may ;e.iven the mass. Some of us dream of a Church for our race in which all men who fear God shall be welcome, whether they find the need of such superstructure as Chris- tianity or do not. A vain dream, perhaps—perhaps not.-