[to The Editor Or The " Spectator."] Sir,-1 Venture To
doubt whether Mr. Evelyn Ashley's "soothing syrup," to quote the phrase he uses in his letter advocating the transfer of public land in the Forest for sewage disposal and other......
• The Crisis In The Church.
(To THE EDITOR 01 THE "SPICTATOR."] SIR —I see in the Spectator of February 18th an appeal to Christian charity with respect to this so-called crisis. (Every age is critical to......
The Archbishop's Proposal.
(To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR '1 presume that the passage in the Prayer-book upon which the Archbishop of Canterbury relies as giving authority to the Courts he proposes to......
The Threatened Railway Monopoly.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIE,—In a note in the Spectator of February 18th you call attention to the serious questions involved in the proposed amalgamation of the......