Unitarians In The Church.
[ro THE EDITOR OP THE "SPFCrATOR."] SIR, — In your article on " Wholesale Conversion " in the Spectator of February 14th, you say there are "thousands of Unitarians within the......
[to Tag Editor Op The "spectator. "] Sin,—the Reference...
review of Mr. Macdonagh's book in the Spectator of February 18th to the characteristic of the Irish to amuse themselves at the expense of the Saxon reminds me of the following......
Stormy Petrels' Nests.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In the islands off the West Irish Coast your correspon- dent, Mr. Stone, has only found stormy petrels living in burrows made by other......
Lord Charles Beresford's Plan.
[To THZ EDITOR OP TER " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—As Lord Charles Beresford will not arrive in England until next month, and is therefore unable to defend his plan for British policy in......
The " White Man's Burden."
[To THE EDITOR OP 2IS " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The mingled pathos and patriotism of the enclosed inscription is an English parallel to the Highland record in last week's Spectator.—I......
Irish Life And Character.
(To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.1 SIR,—The reviewer of Mr. Macdonagh's book, in the Spectator of February 18th relates an amusing experience of a Donegal critic and a "......