From Peking to St. Petersburg. By Arnot Reid. (E. Arnold.
7s. 6d.)—Mr. Reid, some of whose experiences of travel have already appeared in the Times and elsewhere, explains that he "is no explorer" but an "average indoors man." If that be so. our conceptions of this personage must be not a little modified. All the book will be found worth reading, but the earlier chapters, in which we come across Li Hung Chang, and his secretary, Mr. Pethick (who appears to be an unknown force), M. Pavlof, Sir Claude Macdonald, and hear a good deal about men and things in the Far East, are particularly interesting. But the reader should not pass over Mr. Reid's observations in Mongolia, in Sibera (Siberian transportation seems to be likely to go the way of Australian transportation), and in Russia proper. He can both see and describe.