25 FEBRUARY 1922, Page 1


rpHERE is less violence in Ireland than there was when we wrote last week, but the situation as a whole is as doubtful as ever, and we are inclined to think that it is more doubtful. The arrangement come to in Dublin on Wednesday at the National Convention, known as Ard Fheis, between the two wings of Sinn Fein is quite ambiguous. Nobody knows what the result of it may be. The only thing that seems to us certain is that if Mr. Griffith and Mr. Collins had felt themselves strong enough they would not have consented to such a plan. Mean- while there is to be a delay and a partial truce for the next three months while the Constitution of the Free State is being framed, and all we can do is to wait and see whether during that time the Free State party or the irreconcilables gain the more strength.