La France, The Attractive And Well-illustrated Weekly...
French Press, which was started last autumn especially for the benefit of young people desiring to read good French and to know- more about French affairs, has, we are glad to......
Poets And Portr.y.
HYMEN.* WHEN the history of the Imagist movement comes to _be writter4 I believe we shall all have to acknowledge that it teaches very emphatically certain rather unpalatable......
In The Papers Of The Bibliographical Society Of America,...
XIV., Part I. (University of Chicago Press, 2 dollars), the President, Mr. George Watson Cole, has an instructive essay, entitled" Bibliography—a Forecast," showing how much......
Poems Worthy Of Consideration.—cherry Leaves. By....
5s. net. )—Poems in English by a-Japanese poet. Mr. lwai keeps as a rule to the five-line form of the " Tank& " and his thought is as little Westernized as his manner. His poems......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice in this column floes not,nscessarily prectude 'subsequent review.] Canada as a Field for British Branch Industries. By P. W. Cook. (Ottawa :• Department of Trade.)—This......