25 FEBRUARY 1922, Page 23
POEMS WORTHY OF CONSIDERATION.—Cherry Leaves. By. Takalito Iwai. (Erskine Macdonald.
5s. net. )—Poems in English by a-Japanese poet. Mr. lwai keeps as a rule to the five-line form of the " Tank& " and his thought is as little Westernized as his manner. His poems are attractive, though- they do not rise to sublimity. His command of English is remarkable.—Kettle Songs. By Habberton Lulham. (Hove : Combridges. 3s. 6d. net.)—Not =pleasing light verse of a traditional kind.—Shafts of Song. By James Latimer McLane. (The Norman, Remington Co., Baltimore. 82.00.)—Contains a narrative poem upon Cassandra which is not without merit.