Captain Charles Craig Moved An Ulster Amendment Declining...
with the Bill unless a pledge was forthcoming that the Boundary question should be eliminated, or that any decision of the Boundary Commission should not take effect until the......
On Thursday, February 16th, In The House Of Commons Mr.
Churchill introduced the Irish Free State Bill. He admitted that the state of affairs in Ireland was very serious. But was it not the best thing to clothe the Provisional......
The Essential Points Of The Agreement Are That The National
Convention is to adjourn for three months ; that in the meantime Dail Eireann will carry on SA before, but no vote in the Dail is to be regarded as a party vote requiring the......
News Of The Week.
rpHERE is less violence in Ireland than there was when we wrote last week, but the situation as a whole is as doubtful as ever, and we are inclined to think that it is more......
We Sincerely Hope That In Framing The Constitution Mr....
and Mr. Collins will remember that they can never form a stable Government unless they give ample consideration to the rights of the minority. The Southern Unionists have far......
The Meaning Of These Manoeuvres Is That There Will Be
at least three months of vigorous political campaigning before the Irish people are asked to decide between the Free State and a Republic. We wish that it had been possible to......
It Seemed To Him As Though The Tables Had Been
turned ; it was now not Britain but Ireland which was on her trial before the nations of the world. As regards the movements on the Ulster frontier he believed that the......
To Our Readers.
Readers experiencing difficulty in obtaining the " Spectator " regularly and promptly through the abolition of the Sunday post or other causes should become yearly subscribers,......