25 FEBRUARY 1922, Page 12


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."1 SIE,—In your issue of February 11th Mr. G. W. Kent, writing on the question of teachers' salaries under the Burnham Scales, instances a -case, suppositions or otherwise, in which a head-master and his wife, the latter ranking as an uncertifi- cated-assistant in a school with an average attendance of 110, receive between them 1480 per annum. As against this allow me. to say that a• case is within my knowledge in a south- eastern county in which the head teacher and, his wife, the latter ranking as a certificated and not as an uncertificated assistant, in a village school with an average attendance of less than 100, are drawing together 2772 per annum, the total present cost of the teaching staff in this school being .2939. I ought to explain that the county I refer to is the one in which the Education Committee has gone beyond Scale III., as I mentioned in my former letter to you, giving the teachers the benefit of the maximum at once instead of in three equal annual instalments.—I am, Sir, &c., AETI-EXTRAPAGANCE.