Sia,—In reply to the Messrs. Hubbard, my assurance that the rainfall accounts for the maintenance of the so-called dew- ponds is based upon the knowledge that in normal seasons this greatly exceeds the evaporation, and that when this is not the case these ponds invariably fail. In place of this simple explanation the Messrs. Hubbard advance a theory inherently improbable, unsupported by anything approaching proof. On the other hand, we have the careful observations of Mr. Martin upon the ponds on the South Downs, which show conclusively that no appreciable addition to their contents except that due to rain takes place. I have dealt with this subject at greater length than I can ask you to afford me in the Meteorological
Magazine, June, 1919.-4 am, Sir, &c., W. VAUX GRAHAM. Athenaeunt Club, S.W. 1.