25 FEBRUARY 1922, Page 14


Any subscriptions sent to us, great or small, will be acknow- ledged in our columns and at once sent on to the C.O.S. Cheques should be made out to "The Spectator" and crossed "Barclay and Co:, C.O.S. Fund." The letters should be addressed Spectator, 13 York Street, Covent Garden, W.C. 2.


Previously ticknow- £ s. d. £ a. d.

lodged . .295 11 0 Miss Church .. 2 2 0 ' E.Montague Browne 2 2 0 Hugh Wyatt, Esq. 10 10 0

Mrs. Percy Gardner 5

0 0 Miss Foster .. 25 0 0 W. D. K. .. 10 0 0 A. L. Carew Hunt,

Francis Ransome, 10 0 0 Esq. .. 1 P. M: P. .. 0 12 0 6 Dr. Francis Charles.

Edward V. R

worth .. 1 1 0 Powys, Esq. . 52 10 0 Mrs. E. Jardine

Mrs. Pearson (sen.) 1 0 0 Wyndowe .. 2 2 0 H. W. Buddicour.. 10 0 0 Two Glasgow

Miss O'Grady .. 5 0 Friends of the

Mrs. J. S. Ward .. 10 0 2 0 0 Anonymous .. 5 0 0 Rev. S. C. Spreat .. 2 2 0 E. M. L. 20 0. 0 J. Cha.11enor Smith,

Esq. ... .. 1

0 0

Total .. ..459 7 6