Lord Allenby has returned to -Egypt -with power to effect
in _settlement. The terms. of the Cabinet's new offer are to be 'published next week. Meanwhile the Manchester Guardian has stated that Egypt is to be given her independence by Ant of Parliament, and that the +questions in. dispute are to be , reserved for future discussion. The protection of the large -foreign colony in Egypt from fanatical Moslem mobs and the safeguarding of the Suez Canal are, of course, the chief problems that have to be solved, while it. is admitted that ,Great Britain cannot allow any other Power to exercise influence in Egypt. If -this is an accurate forecast of the. new offer, it would seem That,. in substance if not in form, the terms are unchanged. +There :would be no difficridty if :an Egyptian Government were capable of guaranteeing the safety of the many thousands of Christians living in Egypt. As it is; the violent faction, imitating the tacitics of Sinn Fein, is causing British officials and soldiers to be murdered daily.