M. Loucheur, the former French Minister for the- Liberated Regions,.
in a. ppeeeh. at Lyeras.on „Monday, said -that France wou]dneverbe-able to gstry.a halt-penny of her American..debts.
. She America 15,000,000,000'francs—or-about f-300,000,000 —with interest, but as. America:had all the gold.and would not .-admit French goods free of .duty, Frazee could not pay in mauey or in kind. M. Lauchaur declared that.wben he -was. in England :last December, the Prime Minister had -accepted in principle the proposal filet we-should cancel our Loans to France if America -would- cancel her loans to. us. - Probab,ly 'Mr...Lloyd George did not -put:the ease quite. so crudely. .Many. peeple. -think -that we might +well, °easel our loans to-, all the Allies, -without waiting for America . to do anything in the . matter. . Yet it may be doubted whether M.. Loueheur's. assertion that :France. could not ,.pay America was tactful, for it-will reinforce the..ohjectiona of . those American critics .who- complain that France is spending far -too -much on armaments.