The debate on the Irish' Free State' 'Bill -was continued
-in the House of Commons on Friday, :February 17th. Mr. Moles tried to extract 'from the: Government a -definite statement as to What had been said to SirJames Craigand Mr. Collins about :the Boundary. -Redid not succeed in -the Primo Minster more informing, though' he..mride him indignant. .J.n. the end Captain' Craig's amendment was defeated' by 302 votes to. 60. :The Bill was then read a. second time and referred to a: 'Committee . Of the whole House. "It looks, therefore, as thoughthe Boundary Commission will be set. op; but we must point, out that every Commission has its terms of-reference. -Whatare to. be the terms . Of. reference to this 'Commission? The Government still have it in -their power- to instruct the: Commission either to make Slight rectifications or to '.detach from :Northern - Ireland- large pieces of territory. We always come back to 'the question how farthe-Government compromised.themSelves by verbal, pledges to •Mr.-C011ins. -.There seems little hope of clearing the Situation till -we can get a clear answer.