We had not room last week to notice thehuportant statement
by Sir Benjamin Robertson, the well-known expert in Indian famine relief, who- has- just-visited the famine areas of Russia. His account of the, famine corresponds closely to that of,,Dr. Nansen. The facts -are truly :horrible. The suffering which he saw was "infinitely worse "'than anything -he had ever seen in India. The number of persons in real danger is- some fifteen or sixteen. Millions, 'though as many. millions. smore are in varying . degrees affected by the famine. One of the.greatest difficulties ill ;providing relief,- apart always from the lack of funds for buying lood„ is the, practical breakdown of transport. Sir Benjamin ;Robertson-said that the .abandonment of ohildren by starving .parents.sass a. dreadful spectacle. He and all other independent inquirers on the'spot had satisfied themselves - that food
....despatnhed . to the - famine areas _was not .inte:rfered by the: Soviet authorities . but reached; the. right--people.