Lord Northcliffe, after visiting.Palestine, declared last. -week in the Times
that he had found .the . country "in a most unhappy condition." He said that. "as an, old supporter of Zionist ideals" he.- was profoundly disappointed . to find the Zionists cawing-se much unrest. "Native Teel/tin/as Jews, -as much as . British residents, resent what they . describe aa the -an:Nance - and swagger of the new- arrivals -from ,the,Ghettoee.of. Central Europe." The 700,000 Moslems, and Christiana who, with, 70,000 Jews, inhabit Palestiney dislike and dear- the immigrant: Zionists who, their leaders &ohms; "will completely-occupy and control" the- country. Lord Northcliffe, commends Sir Herbert; Samuel's " fairness in; a most difficult 'task," but -advocates- full and public inquiry- into the condition-of - Palestine. Lord - Northcliffe is perfectly. right.