Mx. 3. H. Thomas told a meeting of railwaymen at
Sheffield on -Sunday that the -Communists were trying to capture and break' up. the trade union - movement. They- were,- he -said, directed and paid by Moscow. He was prepared to publish the details of the conspiracy, supported by BOIshevik gold. He warned the Labour Party that, so long as it was thought to be connected with the Communists, it. would fail to come into power. He declared that Bolshevism, was. incompatible with democracy, though if Russia wanted such a rule she had a right to have it. Mr. Thomas, it will be seen, confirms of his -own knowledge the charges made, by: the Duke of North- umberland against the-extreme Labour men, It would be well if Mr. Thomas would try to free the Labour Party's -only official, daily-newspaper from its connexion with. the Communists, whose chief English leader is, as it -happens, the editor of the, journaL Such-facts as this tend. to foster theauspiaion„ which Mr.. Thomas would. dissipate, that the Labour Party -is. far. tee closely ass°. dated with Bolshevism.