The Society's Aims Membership of an International Society is almost
the only means by which a private person can help in the protection of birds which, like the quail, are menaced by ruthless com- mercial exploitation, and the aims of the International Com- mittee for Bird Preservation ought to interest all those who love birds. It seeks not only to protect birds like quail and duck (also menaced all over Northern Europe) but to improve the conditions under which live birds are transported by sea and also to prevent the pollution of the high seas by waste oil. It has interest in native birds, is working a scheme by which duck are ringed on a scale large enough to make it possible to trace their lines of migration, and carries on a large general campaign of propaganda. Its offices are c/o Zoological Society, Regent's Park, N.W.I. Patrons are invited at a subscription of three guineas, associates at half a guinea,
a year.